Khandeshcha rajkiya ani Sanskrutik itihas – खानदेशचा राजकीय आणि सांस्कृतिक इतिहास

Khandesh has an ancient and medieval history known to quite few people, as it was overlooked by the researchers too. Khandesh was ruled by the Farooqi kingdom which brought Khandesh into its known importance in the medieval world. During this period, this region flourished due to the encouragement of agricultural income, architecture, clay modelling etc. by the Farooqi Sultan. It was a secular region, due to which Khandesh gained great importance. During the Mughal period, Khandesh further gained development in terms of political and cultural aspects. Khandeshcha rajkiya ani Sanskrutik itihas book is an effort by the author T. T. Mahajan to relive the history both political and cultural which has otherwise been out of focus in literature.

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खान्देशचा प्राचीन आणि मध्ययुगीन इतिहास फारच कमी लोकांना माहित आहे. खान्देशवर फारुकी साम्राज्याचे राज्य होते ज्याने खान्देशला मध्ययुगीन जगात महत्त्व दिले. या काळात फारुकी सुलतानाने कृषी उत्पन्न, वास्तुकला, क्ले मॉडेलिंग इत्यादींना प्रोत्साहन दिल्याने हा प्रदेश भरभराटीला आला. हा एक धर्मनिरपेक्ष प्रदेश होता, ज्यामुळे खान्देशला खूप महत्त्व प्राप्त झाले. मुघल काळात, खान्देशाचा राजकीय आणि सांस्कृतिक पैलूंच्या दृष्टीने विकास झाला. हे पुस्तक लेखक टी.टी. महाजन लिहिले आहे.

Additional information

Weight 450 g
Dimensions 14 × 2 × 21.5 cm
Book Author

First Edition








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